ATT Concepts

Law enforcement solutions Public sector patrol police officer

Patrol Clearance Tactics (3 Day)

Course Details

Our 3-day Patrol Clearance Tactics course is designed to provide patrol officers with a system of fundamental, principle-based tactics to use during their day-to-day patrol activities. The tactics taught are geared towards deliberate structure searches with an emphasis on the use of tactics as a de-escalation tool.

Course Topics

  • Principles of tactical clearance
  • Safety priorities and risk mitigation
  • Effective communication and partner dynamics
  • Throttle control
  • Reading doors & proper set-up
  • Methods of room clearance and how to select the appropriate method 
  • Conducting proper 2-person room entries
  • Clearing barricades and dead space
  • Linear hallway movements
  • Subject control and custody procedures
  • Use of force

Course Length

  3 Days (24 hours)

Equipment List

  • Patrol rifle (if available), 2 or more magazines
  • Duty/Tactical gear with holster and magazine pouches
  • A functional shield from your agency (if available)
  • Marking cartridge (SIMS/UTM) setup for your weapon system. 100 marking rounds (50 rifle, 50 pistol).   
  • Force-on-Force PPE (face, long sleeve, gloves, neck, groin)
  • Ear protection (electronic preferred)
  • Clear eye protection
  • Simmunition face mask, gloves, neck/groin protection. Long sleeve top. 



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